April 27, 2018, there are 12 gold medals in in Youth & Junior Women Category 63kg and Youth & Junior Men Category 77kg. For Youth & Junior Women Category 63kg, it should be the battle between Uzbek and DPR Korea teams; however, DPR Korea lifters, expected winner, did not have any results in Clean & Jerk. Uzbek lifters won totally 6 gold medals, also Thai and Japanese lifters respectively awarded for the second and third in Clean & Jerk and Total. For Youth & Junior Men Category 77kg, this event was neck and neck in Youth group A; unfortunately, Thai lifter in group B won silver medal in Clean & Jerk and Total. The event results: Uzbekitstan (Gold), Thailand (Silver) and Turkmenistan (Bronze). Furthermore, the host Country and Iranian team competed for the champions in Junior Men 77kg, Iranian won totally 3 medals in the end of event. Again, there are many spectators came to cheer athletes and attractive performances from the host city. Thank you everyone for joining together!